Creating a website from scratch
Why did I choose to?
Why didn't I use a website builder? Well, ever since I discovered Get Coding!: Learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript and Build a Website, App, and Game by Young Rewired State and got into tinkering with CSS on MediaWiki-based wikis, I've been interested in creating a website from pure code. While it takes time to master, it's more fun as you have way more freedom in what your website looks like. No need to pay for more features! It's also a great way to practice and improve computer programming skills, which may as well be important in the 21st century.
Tools I use for developing my website
How do I create a website from scratch?
Khan Academy has a Computer Programming course which teaches web development, including how to code in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. MDN Web Docs is the go-to resource for web development. (Yes, I know about W3Schools, but I'd only recommend it for reference of what you already know instead of for learning new things.)

There are many free web hosts online. As said in the above section, I use Netlify. Search for them and try to find one that suits your needs!